January 2022

PLACE offers five simple tips for reentry to the world of travel and adventure

PLACE offers five simple tips for reentry to the world of travel and adventure:

P: Plan ahead and prepare

L: Look for the good

A: Agility makes a difference

C: Consider options and unexpected opportunities

E: Enjoy the anticipation.  Immerse yourself in the experience

PLAN: Plan ahead and prepare

Planning and preparation will help you to make informed decisions and have more peace of mind about the trip.  Look online to learn about latest guidelines and requirements for where you are traveling to, how you are traveling there and where you’ll be staying. Given the global health pandemic, things have been evolving and it is always best to be informed and stay up-to-date. For international travel, the United States
Department of State has a helpful checklist.

LOOK: Look for the good and be curious

Look for ways to learn and immerse yourself in the culture, history, language and landscape. My personal preference is to allow time to really just BE in the moment…or in other words, “Do Less Better. Be present, ask questions, listen and observe.

AGILITY: Agility makes a difference

No matter how much planning and preparation you do, the reality of travel is that things happen. You may get delayed, lost or get an unexpected invitation. I’ve found that mentally preparing to be flexible helps you to respond more positively and proactively to speedbumps and surprises as they happen. B Sometimes the best adventures are the ones you didn’t plan for …. Or even know to seek out

CONSIDER: Consider options and unexpected opportunities

For example, off season trips and/or locations that are less populated often offer a better value and more authentic experience. Once you land on your ideal destination, consider personal goals for your time off. What matters most to you and your travel partner(s)? Whether it is adventure, cultural immersion, cuisine, or simply enjoying the beauty of the beach… be sure to prioritize these – while being open to unexpected opportunities that may present themselves.

Enjoy: Enjoy the anticipation immerse yourself in the experience

Prior to our trips, I always have fun learning about the culture, food, wine and music. Coordinating a theme dinner around your destination is a great way to set the tone and have fun – while getting some helpful education along the way. Language is also a key to demonstrating respect and interest…even if the accent is not quite up to par, I’ve always found attempting a few words in the local language is well received. In my case, often an ice breaker leading to smiles, laughter and helpful coaching. Reflect on your experiences and savor the happy halo after your trip. Something as simple as a photo, postcard, recipe, or song can inspire a delightful walk down memory lane of your adventures. Savor the goodness and share your experiences with others.

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