August 2015

Costa Rica CCS – Mother Daughter Insight Abroad

As a five-time CCS Insights Abroad alumnus, people often ask me which of the trips was my most meaningful.  Given each country and volunteer experience is so rich and unique, it is impossible to choose.  However, the week I shared with my mom in Costa Rica will always be a highlight and a lifetime memory that we both will treasure forever.

Mother Daughter Volunteer Vacation

A recent dialogue with my mom captures it best.

Joy: Why were you interested in joining me on this trip?

Mom:  I have always been interesting in volunteering but had never thought of doing it out of the country.  Then when you started traveling abroad and sharing your experiences – I wanted to go with you.  I think you thought of it first.  I perked up – that sounds like fun and exciting – new experiences and our going together.  It became a reality fast.  Wow!

Mother Daughter Volunteer VacationJoy: What did you expect it to be like?  

Mom: I knew it would be an exciting and eye-opening experience.

Joy: What were you hoping to give?

Mom: I was hoping to help – make people happy, help in any way I could, work together with you, my daughter.  A hug, helping hand and a smile goes a long way – we found that out.

Joy: What were you hoping to get?  

Mom: I wasn’t expecting to get anything but an exciting new experience.  Meet new people, help people, do as much as I could in a different country.

Joy: How did the experience compare to your expectation?

Mom: I feel I got more out of this experience than I expected.  They loved to see mother and daughter working together.

Mother Daughter Volunteer VacationJoy: What would you tell others who are considering a family volunteer trip?

Mom: Go for it!!!  It was a life changing experience.  The volunteering part is so uplifting, worthwhile and benefits both sides.  It is a win-win situation.  The bonding time together in the home base was wonderful.  We were greeted so warmly by the CCS staff and volunteers.  Everyone wanted to adopt me as their mom, so you had to share me a bit☺.  And I think we made people at the senior center smile when they would see mother and daughter traveling and volunteering together.  Overall, we had lots of fun and came away with warm feelings and the desire to do it again.

Volunteering gets in your blood and puts a smile on your face when you can help someone.

p.s. the government likes it when I volunteer and my financial advisor recommended that I do it again because it helped me on my taxes.  How about that!  AND to be with my daughter☺

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